Evan Almighty: Steve Carell’s Comedy Hot Streak Trips on Bible

This sequel to Bruce Almighty is the work of an angry God. A sanctimonious sitcom dolled up as the most expensive comedy ever made—$175 mil, so they say, no doubt choking—it marks an unfortunate low point in the history of recent American comedy, as it proves that Steve Carell can’t make everything funny. In short, God (Morgan Freeman, who you know is God because his white linen shirts never wrinkle) tells Evan (Carell) that if he builds it, they will come—”it” being an ark, “they” being animals lined up two by two. And Evan’s wife (Lauren Graham) signs on for it, more or less, without asking why or what for. She’s just the gorgeous, glassy-eyed yes-woman who’ll go along with any of hubby’s half-baked ideas. And that’s all Evan Almighty is: a half-baked idea from whimpering start to colossally insufferable finish (which doesn’t even include the end-credit dance sequence featuring the cast rubbing all over director Tom Shadyac, as if to prove its undying love). The movie suggests, quite frankly, that God is nothing more than a son of a bitch who’s willing to drown thousands of people just to prove that one character—and you’ll know who, like, 12 minutes in—is up to no good, man. Did I just give something away? My bad.